Fire extinguisher

The Importance of Fire Protection System Maintenance

Fire safety in the workplace is extremely important. You as the employer are responsible for ensuring the health and safety of your employees.

A few months ago, I did a brief post on the importance of maintaining fire equipment. Recently it felt as though I am obliged to revisit this topic due to two very newsworthy fires – Parliament (Cape Town) on 2 January 2022, and Carnival City on 5 February 2022.

Parliament was a very good example of why fire systems need to be maintained. Although no one was hurt, we need to note that it could have been a lot worse if lives were lost.

Just performing a quick search on Google on why the fire sprinklers did not work, a few results come up on when last the systems were serviced. The sprinkler systems were overdue, and the block plan was illegible. Had the fire systems been maintained, there would have been a lot less damage to the building and equipment, and decreased risk to fire fighters and anyone else that had to assist on the day.

The obvious risk in the event of a fire whilst fire equipment has not been maintained, is that the systems will not perform as needed (malfunction) and will not extinguish the fire.

It is always the responsibility of the employer to decrease the risk of damage to the building, and most importantly, the lives of its employees.

Who else could be responsible?

  • The owner
  • The landlord
  • The occupier

Ensure that if you are the employer, or any of the above, that you play your part in the maintenance of fire protection systems.

Don’t Let Your Business Become a Statistic

It is very easy to request a fire protection company to design and install fire protection systems, and while all very exciting when it is shiny and new, or on display in the case of fire extinguishers, they will not serve you any purpose if they are not properly maintained. Can you imagine a fire starting in your office park or warehouse, running for the fire extinguisher, and realizing it does not work? That fear and that hope that maybe the sprinklers will activate but it doesn’t. That does not have to be you. Be the one who has peace of mind that everyone can evacuate safely, the property will not be severely damaged, and insurance companies will pay out without any issues.  

The journey does not start and end with installation of fire protection. It is a journey that goes beyond installation and continues through maintenance.

With the examples of fires shared in the environmental post in February, it boggles my mind why fire protection systems are not maintained as priority when you have everything to lose. Perhaps we need to ask the question to employers. Why are you not maintaining your fire protection systems?

All buildings in South Africa need to comply with the National Building Regulations and Building Standards Act, 1977 (Act No. 103 of 1977), which includes the need of fire protection.

How Often Should Fire Protection Equipment be Maintained?

Fire Extinguishers

  • According to SANS 1475-1:2010 – fire extinguishers, hose-reels and above ground hydrants shall be serviced and maintained annually.

Pressure tests:

  • Powder, foam, water, and water-based fire extinguishers should be pressure tested every 5 years
  • CO2 fire extinguishers every 10 years

Fire sprinklers systems

  • Sprinkler control valve requires a valve overhaul/service every 3 years,
  • Deluge valve requires a valve overhaul/service annually,
  • Fire pumps require a service annually.


  • Mild steel tanks must be inspected every 3 years and if required, a tank refurbishment
  • Galvanize tanks must be inspected every 15 years and if required, a tank refurbishment

What Services to Use For Maintenance of Equipment?

It is very important to contact a reliable and credible fire protection company to design, install and maintain your fire protection systems. Some research you can do before you select a company is to go to their website, request testimonials if you cannot find any on their website and request the size of jobs, they have been involved in to see if they have the experience to meet your needs.

You can also visit the ASIB website and perform a search to establish if they are certified.

In addition to the credibility, ensure that the fire equipment is of good quality as an additional measure to prevent equipment malfunction.

A Safe Working Environment is a Human Right

With Human’s Rights Day coming up on 21 March 2022, it is important to remember that safety in the workplace is a human right. Do the right thing. Arrange inspections with the right company, ensure the correct tests are performed, and follow-up on services. Identify employees at risk and ensure they are protected.