The Company bid for the tender from the end of 2020 and after numerous negotiations during the first half of 2021, the tender was awarded to Elite Fire. The facility had partial protection, which required for it to be extended throughout the factory.
The factory produces premium meats and distributes throughout South Africa. With its important contribution to the food industry, they cannot afford to not have proper fire protection systems in place.

Project | Fire protection of a premium meat supplier factory |
Size | 17 000m2 |
Year of completion | 2022 |
Scope | Design & installation of new sprinkler system to warehouse |
Discipline | Fire Protection |
Project scope
- Design and install roof sprinklers
- Design and install cold room, and freezer room sprinklers
- Design and install exposed sprinklers under site concrete
- Installation of hydrants and hose-reels
A total of 2560 sprinklers have been installed
Process Outline
The installation of sprinklers within the various areas throughout the building needed to be done in phases due to the complex working environment. The contract was split into five phases, with each phase to be completed and assessed with pressure tests.
Performing the pressure tests as the phase is completed, gave the client peace of mind, compared to the alternative of waiting for the entire job to be completed before any tests are performed.
The facility being a 24-hour production factory made it difficult to work around time schedules of production, as cleanliness and hygiene, whilst the factory is in use is still of upmost importance. The solution was the team becoming more flexible and working during shutdown hours in order for work to continue whether after hours and/or weekends.
The project is still online. Please contact us if you’d like to learn more about our various projects and services.