Fire Sprinkler Systems Require Maintenance Contracts
According to South African regulations sprinkler systems should be properly maintained and a maintenance contract will need to be put into place for the continued maintenance of the sprinkler systems with a reputable fire sprinkler company.
To maintain fire clearance, an independent inspector is required to inspect the fire sprinkler system, and a reputable sprinkler company shall service and maintain the system. Sprinkler companies appointed by you are never allowed to provide fire clearance on your sprinkler system.
Insurance companies can cancel your insurance cover for fire damage should fire clearance certificates not be supplied as proof that the system is fully functional, as well as the negligence of not servicing fire sprinkler systems according to its schedule.
Fire Sprinkler Failures Can Cause Tremendous Damage
Failure of fire sprinkler systems can happen at any time. The main causes of failure are not maintaining fire sprinkler systems, corrosion, improper installation, and inadequate parts and materials. These failures cause major damage to commercial and industrial properties if a fire occurs, or tremendous water damage from fire sprinklers if water is unexpectedly released.
Why is My Fire Sprinkler System Leaking?
Believe it or not, routine wear and tear can cause sprinkler systems to leak if not regularly maintained. Another common malfunction that causes fire sprinkler systems to leak involves o-ring seals and contaminants in the water, causing them to corrode and leak. Sprinkler heads or fittings that are too tight can also cause leaks. Sprinkler systems can also become damaged accidentally and leak due to forklifts or scissor lifts, ladders, equipment, etc., as well as intentionally as an act of vandalism. Employees need to be informed not to touch sprinkler heads or fittings, and instead request a fire protection company to inspect the suspected damaged system or sprinkler heads.
Don’t Let Your Business Become a Statistic
The journey does not start and end with the installation of fire protection. It is a journey that goes beyond installation and continues through maintenance. All buildings in South Africa need to comply with the National Building Regulations and Building Standards Act, 1977 (Act No. 103 of 1977), which includes the need of fire protection.
How Often Should Fire Sprinkler Systems be Maintained in South Africa?
On top of inspections, there are important tasks that are required to be performed to ensure the maintenance of sprinkler systems.
Fire sprinklers systems
- Weekly testing of fire sprinkler system
- Weekly testing of installation control valve
- Weekly testing of fire pump
- Sprinkler control valve requires a valve overhaul/service every 3 years.
- Deluge valve requires a valve overhaul/service annually.
- Fire pumps require a service annually.
- Any time alterations are conducted on the original installation.
- Mild steel tanks must be inspected every 3 years and if required, a tank refurbishment
- Galvanize tanks must be inspected every 15 years and if required, a tank refurbishment
What Documentation Do We Need for Fire Sprinkler Maintenance?
A sprinkler company that is appointed to conduct your sprinkler system maintenance should be providing you with the documentation below:
- A maintenance and test schedule for the sprinkler system, and
- A comprehensive operation and maintenance manual or folder for the sprinkler system which shall contain at least the following at system commissioning:
- As built drawings and hydraulic data/calculations.
- Proprietary equipment specifications, data sheets, and maintenance requirements, including pump
- Data provided by the pump set supplier.
- Maintenance, inspection, and test schedules.
- Where appropriate, a weekly test card.
- The installing sprinkler company records and reports.
- Clearance Certificates.
- Comprehensive sprinkler system maintenance test schedules for pumped water supplies.
Whose Services Should You Use for Maintenance of Equipment?
It is very important to contact a reliable and credible fire protection company to design, install and maintain your fire protection systems. Some research you can do before you select a company is to go to their website, request testimonials if you cannot find any on their website and request the size of jobs, they have been involved in to see if they have the experience to meet your needs. You can also visit the ASIB website and perform a search to establish if they are certified. In addition to the credibility, ensure that the fire equipment is of good quality as an additional measure to prevent equipment malfunction.
A Safe Working Environment is a Human Right
With Human’s Rights Day coming up this March, it is important to remember that health and safety in the workplace is a human right. Do the right thing. Arrange inspections with the right company, ensure the correct tests are performed, and follow-up on services. Identify employees at risk and ensure they are protected.
“Don’t let your dreams go up in smoke!”