Industrial Park Fire Protection System Installation in Mpumalanga

Industrial Park Fire Protection System Installation in Mpumalanga

Description of Project

In 2022, Elite Fire Protection was given the opportunity to quote a new industrial park for fire protection services.

The industrial park consists of multiple warehouses and different types of services being provided.

There is an existing warehouse taking up new occupancy soon and the new tenants will be installing racking. The tenant provided feedback to the owner that they prefer to not have in-rack sprinklers and Elite Fire together with the fire consultant had to find a solution for the tenant.

Project Fire Protection Systems
SizeApprox. 3000m2
Year of Completion2022
ScopeSupply, Manufacture & Installation of Fire Protection
DisciplineFire Protection

Project Scope

Supply, manufacture and install:

  • Fire Sprinkler System
  • Sprinkler Control Valve
  • Pumphouse Piping

Process Outline

Based on the parameters of the warehouse and taking into consideration the clientā€™s requirements, an ESFR system was designed at roof level. This caters for both roof and in-rack protection and provided a good solution for the tenant that did not want in-rack sprinklers installed.

ESFR Fire sprinkler system
ESFR Fire sprinkler system

Elite Fire ensured that the ESFR system was in line with fire regulations.

Quantity of sprinklers:

  • 428 at roof level
  • 95 on ground and first floor offices

Sprinkler Control Valve

A new 200mm sprinkler control valve was installed to feed both the roof and offices. Sprinkler control valves control the flow of water in an automatic fire sprinkler system. Therefore, it is critical they remain open to allow water flow to the sprinklers.

Pumphouse Piping

The fire sprinkler system is fed from a dedicated water supply. This consists of two diesel driven pumps with a duty of 13900L/min @ 600kPa.

There are two dedicated water storage tanks with a combined capacity of 650 000 Litres.

The pumps were supplied and installed by Davron and the water storage tanks were supplied and installed by Rainbow Tanks.

It was important that Elite Fire provided the necessary piping to support the installation of the above.


To date there have been no challenges in this ongoing installation.