Nut Processing Plant - Mpumalanga

High Hazard Fire Protection in Nut Processing Factory

Update: Phase 1 Completed

Table of ContentsStatus
Phase 1Completed
Phase 2Ongoing

Location: Mpumalanga

Phase 1 – Water Supplies, Smoke Detection, Ventilation & Sprinkler Installation

Project Overview

ProjectFire protection of new nut processing factory
Size9 000m2 at roof level with multiple levels below
Year of completion2022
ScopeDesign, supply, and installation of high hazard sprinkler system
DisciplineFire Protection

Project Scope

  • Water supplies
  • Smoke detection
  • Ventilation
  • Sprinkler installation

Project Description

In 2021, Elite Fire started with its fire protection of a new facility. This new facility is the largest of its kind in the world. Due to its size, the project was divided into two phases in order to ensure successful installation and client satisfaction. Various suppliers and subcontractor services were used during the first phase of this project.

Process Outline

  • The project was separated into two phases
  • Phase 1 was completed at the end of February and included the pumps and tanks, valve chamber, warehouse roof sprinkler protection, office space, smoke detection and ventilation
  • The sprinklers are fed from one diesel fire pump and the hydrants are fed from one electric fire pump. The water will be supplied to the sprinkler and hydrant systems by two dedicated water storage tanks
  • There are 8 sprinkler control valves with each one feeding a sprinkler system within the warehouse
  • The smoke detection consists of beam detection within the warehouse roof and point detectors within the office areas
  • Ventilation is installed within the entire warehouse area and is also linked to the smoke detection system in the event of a fire.


There were no major challenges experienced during the first phase other than stock issues at times. We however had to manage this with the clients and main contractor and adjust our project plan accordingly whilst trying our best to meet the deadlines as close as possible.

Phase 2 – In-rack sprinkler protection & Multiple Mezzanine fire protection

Project Overview

ProjectPhase 2 – Fire protection of new nut processing factory
Size5 000m2 at roof level with multiple levels below
Year of completion2022
ScopeDesign, supply, and installation of high hazard sprinkler system
DisciplineFire Protection

Project Scope

  • In-rack sprinkler protection
  • Multiple Mezzanine fire protection
Push-Back Racking
Push-Back Racking

Project Description

In 2022 Elite Fire Protection kicked off with the start of the second phase of the fire protection systems in the nut processing factory.
We are looking forward to this next phase with phase 1 being completed successfully. We provide some brief insight into phase 2 and will do a follow-up article once completed or the progress thereof.

Process Outline

  • The project was separated into two phases
  • Phase 1 was successfully completed at the end of February and Phase 2 was subsequently commenced
  • The push-back racking requires in-rack sprinkler protection and after careful design completion the expected number of fire sprinklers to be installed is 3300
  • The multiple mezzanine fire protection consists of four levels and each level will be protected with fire sprinklers and smoke detection
  • Phase 2 will require each discipline to work closely with one another and open communication to ensure overall success of this project

Please contact us if you’d like to know more information about this project and the services we offer.